Thursday, June 4, 2009

I thought that this flower was pretty awesome for an Oklahoma Flower! Ok, so I was walking around the yard and I went over to look at this tree. Then I saw this knob and was like "Wow, It a Goblin with a big nose!" What does it look like to you? I have a early stage of Developmental dyslexia so please don't make fun of my spelling =). Summer is going fast and havn't done ANYTHING. I feel like I'm wasting my summer... So have any of you guys read "Ben Hur" its tough, I can only read like five pages at night before I'm asleep. We'll Pa-ka! (good-bye in Russian)


  1. that book is amazing! get through it man! its tough... but worth it!

  2. Maybe you should read in the day time then. :p

  3. Ok, I'll plow through it! Haha, I should do that, I wonder why I don't?

  4. Keep reading Levi! Literature is one of the most important aspects of our culture, as well as learning the culture of those around us. Through books, we can open our eyes to whole new worlds, make new friends, and create memories.




  5. Was that Matt??? or was that copy and pasta(=))
    And are you sick???

  6. No that wasn't copy and paste! It was an elegantly crafted paragraph!

    And I was coughing because I don't believe a word of it. Haha
