Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quick update!

We'll, I've had a busy last three days!!! On Saturday and Sunday I went to Winfield, Kansas for a baseball Tournament! We went 4-1 and place second!!! I got to pitch the championship game and pitched really well!!! So BTW what does x-ing mean? It was on a sign in the wally world in Winfield! So I guess I am now going to NOC arts adventure!?! I was think I wasn't going but some how my Mom made me do it. =( On Monday I played air soft with Matt, Josiah, Luke, Jacob,and Will! It was a blast!!! The highlight of the day was Matt Scream his head off will running wildly in a Firetruck tent and Josiah chasing after him and trying to Mela him!!! It was Hilarius. After my first week of blogging do you guys have any comments/suggestions? Guess what?? I won the Herb festival Drawing competition!!! And so did Kaley!!! Haley place second and so did Karis! Sounds like there was tons of compition of competition =p. We'll that about it! adieu, Leviathan


  1. Sorry, that one failed in Grammar... Add ing when neccisary and just look over the double type.

  2. I know, we are just such the amazing artists. And, I can put it on my college credits hehe.
    But it's pretty good if you color a picture and then get $15 for it :)

    Hey, other than the fact that your english isn't so great, I like reading your blog :)

  3. No way, you guys won the drawing contests? I didn't know you were so artistic!

    Ok, so the firetruck thing was pretty much incredible

    And x-ing means crossing. So there are "no x-ing" sings if you can't drive across the street there and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure.

  4. Ok...seriously I am NOT artistic. This contest...involved coloring a house. And adding stuff around it. With crayons. Soo...yeah :D

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I entered some contest in idaho and didn't get anything.. But the 3rd prize entry was horrible. What'd you win?

  7. Oh sweet child...I got second? Wait. Back up. You guys entered me?! *dies* Woooooow. I need to tell my mommy. She'll be so proud.
